VPS Hosting Vs. Dedicated Hosting, Key Differences You Should Know
VPS Hosting Vs. Dedicated Hosting, Key Differences You Should Know

Choosing the right web hosting solution is a tough decision. The few options you have got are basic shared hosting, virtual private server hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated hosting. Here is a comparison of VPS and dedicated hosting so that you can decide the most suitable for hosting your website.

What is VPS Hosting?

VPS or virtual private server hosting is a web hosting service where the server resources are shared by different websites or hosting accounts.

VPS Hosting Companies in Dubai offer both premium and low-cost options. Usually, the price ranges between USD 20/month to USD100 /month. Also, there are more than one hosting environments to select from, hence they miss the customization of dedicated hosting. 

When to consider VPS hosting?

VPS purchase would be ideal if

·         Your website currently runs on a shared environment and your requirements exceed what the solution can offer.

·         You already have an existing base level VPS account in UAE needing a smooth upgrade that will allow you to keep your existing IP addresses and environment settings

Although VPS does offer more flexibility than a shared hosting service, the server’s resources are still split amongst other VPS account holders.

If the traffic and other requirements demand a dedicated environment, it's always possible to upgrade from a VPS to a Dedicated Server.

You can consider an upgrade of shared hosting account to a VPS

·         If your site uses least resources but needs a root access to install/configure certain software

·         If your larger email limit is 500 per domain per hour.

What is Dedicated Hosting?

Dedicated server in Dubai 
is a server literally at your personal disposal. You will have exclusive rights to all of the resources of the machine and will be able to configure the environment as per wish.

But the issue with using dedicated server is that you need a minimum of 500,000 visitors per month and have dedicated technical staff to maintain and optimize your server.

You can consider an upgrade to a dedicated server

·         If your hosting account has been suspended many times due to resource constraints (TOS/CPU issues)

·         If you have been using a Dedicated Server


There is no best thing when it comes to hosting. On the contrary, it depends on what is best for your website. So be sure to analyse what kind of hosting support would work best for you. Also, dedicated server are costly and so it is generally a good idea to begin with a VPS hosting service until your website is attracting revenue to support the expensed related to a dedicated server.