Choosing the Right Cloud Solution
Choosing the Right Cloud Solution

Cloud computing has witnessed tremendous growth all over the world with the arrival of emerging technologies like big data, AI, VR. Endorsement of these technologies also sped up with the pandemic as organization moved their employees to work from the confines and comfort of their home. In the peak of the pandemic, IDC survey predicted that more than half of the Indian organizations would increase their adoption of enterprise cloud computing solutions.  Cloud hosting in Dubai is popular in that area.

Going forward, more businesses will be employing a hybrid of enterprise, private and public cloud services, or multi-cloud strategies, which distributed data across many vendors to safeguard against downtime and data loss.

Total spending on cloud computing in India is likely to reach US$ 16.5bn in 2024 with public cloud services most likely to experience rapid growth between the years 2019 and 2024.

Whether organizations use a multi-cloud or hybris strategy, cloud computing will be a common facet of enterprise IT infrastructure in a post-pandemic world. The answer IT companies in Dubai should find is whether a public or private cloud solutions is right for them.

What are Public and Private Clouds?

Public cloud or infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solutions comprises of servers saved in the service providers data centre with resources shared among different customers. Public clouds can be used for deploying CRM, CMS, websites, email, and various other applications. 

Companies using the public cloud need not be concerned about maintaining or updating the infrastructure, which makes it an inexpensive solution, but also do not manage the data security in it.

A private, internal or enterprise cloud offers comparable advantages to a public cloud solution by including scalability and self-service. Despite this, the
hosting company Dubai does not share any resources or assets with other customers since the data is saved on the company’s network or in a hosted data centre. Authority over access and a firewall offer an added layer of security, which is extremely important for regulatory industries like financial services and healthcare, that may need to meet regulatory and other compliance mandates for handling extremely sensitive information. 

 The Bottom Line: Which is the Right Solution?

Public cloud solutions might be suitable for small businesses, as not having to straightaway invest in expensive hardware or pay for ongoing IT management and maintenance makes it cheaper. It also offers the advantage to scale in short notice. However, large scale firms with complex IT management needs and regulatory demands tend to favour private cloud hosting due to its greater security. But the expensed of securing, maintaining, and managing information protection can be high.     

The best way for any organization will eventually depend on its capacity, capabilities, and business need.  While choosing a cloud service provider, select a reputable service provider and scrutinize the service level agreement (SLA) to ensure it meets all your organization’s requirements.